Shawn, That's Enough - 9/21/17

So there's this rooster at our hosts house in Kampong Cham, Cambodia. His name is Shawn. Every morning at 4:30 Shawn does his little rooster thing and cocka-doodle-doos. (Even thought now I hear 'put your pants on!' every time he makes his noise. Thank you, to my wonderful teammate Lauren.) Anyway, my relationship with Shawn has slowly progressed in the time we have spent together in this little village. At first, I hated Shawn. I hated Shawn when he would wake me up at 4:30 AM. I hated Shawn when he would crow at 3 in the afternoon. Like, the sun is up. It has been up for hours. We get it. That's enough. I would even hate Shawn when he wasn't doing anything, because his eyes go two different ways. Like if you're going to be this annoying, at least look me in the eye. Oh wait, you can't do that either. Can we just eat you already? Chicken sounds like a great dinner. 
Over time, I have grown to love Shawn. When he wakes me up in the morning, I get excited because that means I get up and take a bucket shower, and I spend quiet time with just me and the Lord. I write in my journal and put on worship music, and I can even watch the sunrise. It is so beautiful, and I wouldn't ever see it if Shawn didn't wake me up for it. 
When Shawn cries at 3 PM I laugh as our team all shouts "Shawn that's enough!" Our running joke has Shawn at its center, and it's a go-to when someone is crying. That's a lot, by the way. Yes, it's often me. 
And when Shawn just stands there, I've learned to just admire him and his beauty. Shawn is great. Shawn is a true encourager. Shawn wakes me up for my time with the Lord in the morning. 
Thank you, Shawn.
All the love, 


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