Many Thanks - 10/30/17

I would like to dedicate this blog to a few people. I feel like I need I give a big thank you to these people, and I hope I can string together my words well enough to make one coherent blog. And maybe make one person cry. Hold on, it’s about to get sappy and gross.
To Destiny’s Child, thank you for recording and releasing your hit song “Survivor.” You are the basis of so many of my ideas for this blog. Just a few days ago, I started running 2 miles a day with my teammate Lauren. To prepare myself for this miserable journey of self improvement, I made an amazing “girl boss” playlist that you can find on my Spotify. There are about 53 sounds on that playlist, and I just replay that one about 6 times. It is your song that got me through those 2 miles. As your amazing voices played in my ears past my heavy breathing and (maybe) crying, I was reminded that I am indeed a survivor, I’m not gon’ give up, I am a survivor, and I will keep on surviving.
To the guy that broke my heart, thank you for giving God that opportunity to shine through for me. If you ever read this, you know who you are, and you should also know that is is not me blasting you on the internet, because my momma taught me better than that. (Thank you again for giving me that wisdom, Destiny’s Child.) When you left, I didn’t see the purpose God had in letting my heart be shattered by you. I questioned why my God would allow me to hurt the way I was hurting, or why you would hurt me in the first place. I couldn’t see how God was working in me then, but I see now. Thank you, ex boyfriend, for teaching me about love without ever knowing it. Honestly and genuinely, thank you. I have grown from what you taught me, and God has built me up so much from where I was a year ago. I pray that you are comforted on all your journeys and your heart is in the right place and you are happy wherever the wind may guide your sails, always.
To my mother, I don’t know where to start in telling you how much I love and adore you. How you inspire me every time I look at you, and how proud I am of the woman of God I have watched you become in these past few years. You make me want to be a better person with every word you speak to me. Through my heartbreak, depression, anxiety, and sickness, you have been there more than anyone else on this earth. You saw change that needed to happen and made it, and for that I am forever thankful. Mom, never think for a moment that I hold bitterness or anger for things of the past. I only have love for you, and that love is incomparable to any other. You make me the proudest and happiest daughter in the entire world. Thank you for being like the woman that Destiny’s Child would write about. You raised me right. Making sure I won’t blast my ex on the internet, that I won’t compromise my Christianity, and that I won’t diss anyone on the radio. Mother, thank you for being the best and for teaching me all I need to know. I love you. And you better be crying, because that was beautiful.
(P.S. Mom, thanks for my amazing sense of humor.)
All the love,


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