
Showing posts from February, 2018

Is Everybody Succeeding Without Me?

Do you ever have that one topic you will avoid talking about at any cost? It's just something you hate talking about, and it makes you want to crawl inside a shell and never see the light of day again? Maybe it's a few topics. I know for me there are multiple, for sure. These topics/questions include, but are not limited to, the following: Things I did in middle school/high school Haircuts from the past "So do you have someone special?" (No, grandma, I don't. Thank you for your concern.) The amount of coffee I drink One Direction's hiatus (It's a break,  not a break up. ) Lately, the questions that really work my nerves are these: What are you doing? Where do you go to school? Really, these questions shouldn't bother me as much as they do, but they do. They just do.  Have you ever see that Saturday Night Live skit about the turtle shirt? It is hilarious, and perfectly depicts how I feel when people come to me with these questions. The whole