
Showing posts from March, 2018

Sharing Is Caring

Do you remember a time in your life where you found yourself with a big goofy grin on your face and butterflies in your stomach? Like everything was just so happy and splendid in a single moment. I think back to a few times in my life where my happiness just could not be contained. When my mom and dad got me and my siblings the cutest little puppy we had ever seen after years of pleading. When that boy said he liked me too, and he wanted to skate with me at the skating rink on the next field trip. When I saw One Direction in concert, and realized I didn't care about boys at skating rinks anymore, but I did care about Harry Styles. That feeling, the happy mushy gushy, put a spring in your step kind of feeling, that is something that I find myself feeling a lot more as my days go on. I look back on the last few months, and I can't help but smile. Not just at the memories I've made, but the ones that haven't even happened yet! That's not to say that I wake up every